Little Fliers Currently has limited spots available for - Infants, 2 Year Olds, 3 Year Olds, and 4 Year Olds!

EnROLlinG full time now!


Please review Little Fliers Childcare and Development Center Parent Handbook prior to enrolling.

Enrollment Process:

We ask that you fill out one form for each child you wish to enroll.

After reviewing your child’s application, Little Fliers will email listed Guardian #1 a confirmation that your child’s spot at Little Fliers is held. Included in the email will be a password to enter our websites’ Enrollment Fee payment portal tab.

  • After submitting your child’s application, please expect this Little Fliers’ email within 24 hours. Little Fliers will hold your spot for 12 hours to give families time to complete the enrollment fee payment.

Once the enrollment fee has been paid, Little Fliers will email confirming your child’s spot and welcome your family to Little Fliers!