Health & Cleanliness

  • Healthy Habits

    ⦁ Little Fliers offers breakfast, lunch, and two snacks throughout the day. Our team promises to provide healthful foods for your growing children, according to the Child and Adult Care Food Program and the state requirements for food service.

    ⦁ Little Fliers will also be using our Children’s Garden to grow and harvest fruits and vegetables for our delicious food service program. When children harvest, cook, and enjoy the food they’ve grown, they learn about nutrition and healthy eating habits.

  • Benefits of the Outdoors

    Little Fliers spend time each day learning outdoors! Why? research from the Natural Start Alliance shows that playing and learning outdoors:

    • Supports creativity and problem solving

    • Enhances cognitive abilities

    • Improves academic performance

    • Reduces Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) symptoms

    • Increases physical activity

    • Reduces illness

    • Improves nutrition

    • Improves eyesight

    • Improves social relations

    • Improves self-discipline

    • Reduces stress

  • Cleanliness

    Little Fliers follows a comprehensive daily cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting schedule. All cleaning products are tested to be safe for use in the school setting and are kept out of the reach of children. To maintain a clean environment for your child(ren), staff and children will wear dedicated indoor shoes.